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SCSPA Delivers Smiles to Teachers and Students

The Sierra Canyon Parent Association has been hard at work spreading smiles and cheer to the Class of 2020 and Sierra Canyon’s faculty and staff!

Last weekend, Liz Thannum (Zach '20) led a group of PA volunteers including Brenda Campbell (Caden '22, Jazy '20), Deirdre Delany (Sinead '25, Hannah '23, Ray '19), Lupe Gamble (Brendon '20), Robert Hernandez (JD '20, JJ '19, Kaizer '15), Shayne LaChapelle (Collin '29, Hannah '25), and Brigette Williams (Hunter '20) as they covered the San Fernando Valley and beyond to personally drop off special gifts to each senior household. Now every senior can proudly display their SC Class of 2020 Graduation keepsake signs for their neighborhood to see!
Then on Tuesday, May 5th, the SCSPA Leadership Board, Shayne LaChapelle (Collin '29, Hannah '25), Deirdre DeLaney (Sinead '25, Hannah '23, Ray '19), Michelle Zaragoza (Bella '29), and Jennet Zelinsky (Harper '28, Easton '25), provided curbside service as they hosted the annual Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon out of California Fresh Foods' special drive-up kitchen. Teachers and staff were greeted by dozens of festive signs created by families thanking them for all they do during the year as they picked up delicious taco dinners complete with margaritas and chocolates to enjoy safely at home.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for our exceptionally caring and thoughtful Parent Association at Sierra Canyon! They truly go ABOVE and BEYOND in creating special moments for our community. We love you, SCSPA!
Lower School: 11052 Independence Avenue
Middle and Upper School: 20801 Rinaldi Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311  | 818.882.8121
Sierra Canyon School is a private, independent, non-sectarian, co-educational, college preparatory school for students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 located in Chatsworth, California. The highly cosmopolitan campus community is reflective of the Greater Los Angeles area and the world at large. Students are empowered to realize their greatest creative, ethical, intellectual and physical promise through small class sizes, a diverse student-teacher culture and a family-like environment.